Heady days of Summer


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Our little spot in the hills of Mid-Wales is alive and in full growth. The bird population is at its peak as the young have now fledged and some are coming to the feeders with the adults. The grasses in the fields have turned to seed and have now reached well above my knees! Our tiny flock of sheep cannot graze the grass fast enough at this time of year and our Shetland ewe lamb easily disappears from sight in there! To my delight, I have spotted a few wild orchids in the meadow. The honeysuckle in the lane is sending out its heady perfume as I walk by – I have harvested some of its flowers to infuse in vinegar to give it a floral note. I have picked some fragrant elderflower heads and made some cordial to enjoy throughout the Summer and beyond. We have a delicious and abundant crop of very tasty strawberries that are ripening each day. The trees are in full leaf and with the many ancients woods around, the hills around us are at their greenest. We have had glorious weather and the long days of Midsummer end with beautiful sunsets that never cease to take my breath away.

This time of year is such a treat for our senses. There is so much to see, hear, touch, taste and smell out there. The high energy of the sun and the beauty of nature in full bloom invite us to celebrate life and the richness of it, the natural world around us providing us with a backdrop to help us feel alive through all our senses so we can then feel grounded and alive within ourselves. Midsummer can be a very busy time for social gatherings and parties, for celebrations with family and friends; yet, it is worth spending time alone in nature to bask in the joy and abundance of this heady season and allow it to nourish our soul. I like to think of it as metaphorically bottling the bounty of Summer. I enjoy sitting in the garden and taking in the views, feeling the sun and breeze on my skin, listening to the busy flutter and chirping of the birds around, smelling and tasting the air for deliciously strong fragrances. It is a very stimulating, alive experience of life that I find both soothing and uplifting.

Happy Midsummer, folks!