Welcome Spring!


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Spring has sprung! Everywhere I look, there is new life… in the fields, the grass has started to grow; in the garden, there are daffodils, crocus, primroses and even some early tulips; the hawthorn is growing new shoots; birds are becoming more active preparing for the breeding season; next door’s first lambs are bleating and bouncing about. I am getting ready to welcome our own lambs next month, gathering all the kit that I may need for their safe arrival. Our sunroom is currently being turned into a nursery with trays of seedlings in the propagators. We have had some beautiful days with warm Spring sunshine and clear blue skies. At the time of the Spring Equinox, Nature is blossoming with changes visible every day… a season full of promise, wonder and new beginnings.

The Spring Equinox is also a time of equilibrium. We are exactly half way between Winter and Summer and night and day are now of equal length, with the light growing stronger as we are leaving behind the dark days of Winter. Mirroring the natural world around us, it is a good time to seek balance within ourselves by letting go of what is holding us back to make space for new things. An emotional Spring clean can be a very beneficial way of supporting our innate human drive towards health, growth, life and evolution that can become hindered by old habits, limiting beliefs and unhealthy thinking patterns. The Spring Equinox is an invitation to take stock and allow ourselves to become free of what no longer serves us well in the present so that we can be in balance. Spring offers us a magical opportunity for inner renewal, a chance to explore, reveal and give life to the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden, buried and in the shadow. The most precious gift we can give ourselves is the opportunity to change in order to become who we truly are.

Seeking balance at the time of the Spring Equinox, it is good to move away from polarities and seek to hold opposites in our awareness rather than staying attached to one or the other. When we can do that, we feel united rather than divided, whole rather than "in bits". We are no longer in Winter but we can still sense the cold and the dark; we are not in Summer yet but we get a glimpse of its potential and offerings.

Isn’t Nature a wonderful guide?